Shift organization#

Ask-JGI shifts will be undertaken by Ask-JGI team members in 2 week blocks. There tends to be one Ask-JGI team member on shift at any one time, but in the past when there have been lots of queries, there have been 2 people on shift at once.

To sign up for a shift, you can add your name to one of the ‘Open Shift’ calendar events in the mailbox.

For each 2 week shift block a base salary of 2 hours will be paid at a demonstrator hourly rate. This is to cover the monitoring of the Ask-JGI mailbox/Teams channel and attendance at the weekly Ask-JGI data science meetings.

The number of queries each week can be quite variable (sometimes none, but sometimes 10!). We expect that the person on shift handles 1-2 queries, and that the rest of the queries are handed around to other Ask-JGI team members. For each query, up to one day of support is freely available to University of Bristol staff and PhD students in all faculties and departments. When a query is picked up, Ask-JGI team members should report the number of hours spent addressing that query, and they will be paid for their consultation at the hourly demonstrator rate.