Automatic email replies#

When a new email is received in the Ask-JGI mailbox an automated response is generated, which looks something like:

Thank you for your Ask-JGI enquiry. Your query will be picked up by a member of the Ask-JGI team soon.

In the meantime please reply to this email to provide any supplementary information to your question. Make sure you include this phrase somewhere in the email: {AskJGI-110}. This helps us to track how the AskJGI service is used.

Suggested additional information:

  1. Your research question

  2. Any relevant papers / draft manuscripts etc.

  3. A description of your data (and a sample if you can send it)

  4. Any relevant analysis scripts/code that you have produced so far.

It is important that, when you respond to the initial query, you either:

  • “reply all” to this automated reply from Ask-JGI, or

  • include the requested text ({AskJGI-110} in the example above) in the signature of your response.

This helps us to manage our query tracking system, as explained in our section describing the Ask-JGI tracker here.