Ask-JGI Roadshow#

The Ask-JGI Roadshow is a programme of events where JGI data scientists attend in-person events at departments around the University, offering a data science “clinic” where attendees can Ask-JGI queries in real time. The Roadshow began in 2023, funded by Enhancing Research Culture funding, and may continue indefinitely (we’ll see!).

Roadshow events#

Before-roadshow responsibilities#

The JGI manager will:

  • liaise with schools and faculties

  • update a spreadsheet with upcoming dates

  • create calendar invites and inviting staff & PhD data scientists

The team-lead data scientist (who runs the weekly meetings) will:

  • check that the spreadsheet is updated with attendees according to calendar accepts/declines.

  • make sure that at least two data scientists are present at each event.

The staff and PhD data scientists will:

  • accept or decline the calendar invites.

  • aim to attend roadshow events regularly.

At the roadshows#

Each roadshow is a little different, but as a general rule, we try to pair up attendees with a data scientist who can answer their question(s).


Send an email after every query! We keep track of our roadshow queries by sending out a summary email including any next steps at the end of every query. This is important to record, even if all that happened is that you gave the attendee some information about the JGI (e.g. upcoming seedcorn funding).

The tracker will automatically show the query as belonging to the data scientist who sent the email, but it can be updated to show the name of the attendee after the email was sent.

There is a column in the Tracker called “Roadshow?”; please fill it in as “True” for any roadshow queries. This column can be left blank for non-roadshow queries.

Advertising events#

Sometimes, staff data scientists will visit school or faculty meetings to advertise the roadshow, the Ask-JGI service, or the JGI more generally. PhD data scientists aren’t expected to attend these talks (although they’re welcome to if they’d like to!) These are generally short meetings, where staff data scientists will talk with or without slides with some time for Q&A.