Ask-JGI Student Recruitment#

This section outlines the procedure for advertising and recruiting new Ask-JGI student cohorts.

Ask-JGI aims to recruit students undertaking a PhD at the University of Bristol in a technical domain, where they are developing skills that can be used to advise others across the university with their own technical tasks in the areas of statistics and data science.

Recruitment takes place annually (new cohort starting in October), but we are happy to receive speculative applications all year round.

The recruitment call from the current/previous year is archived on the JGI webpage here.

Cohort recruitment timeline#

These are indicative dates. More details will be given each year.

  • Start of July: Draft advertisement webpage, with links to previous Ask-JGI student blogs

  • Mid July: Release advertisement

  • End of August: Deadline for applications

  • Start of September: Email successful applicants and set up TSS contracts (3 week turnaround)

  • Start of October: Start date.

Recruitment criteria#

The prerequisites for recruitment are as follows:

  • Students must be currently studying for a PhD at the University of Bristol

  • Students must have completed at least one year of their PhD studies by the time of their application

  • Students must have experience in data science, statistics and programming (for example: R, Python)


This opportunity should be circulated in the JGI Newsletter and on the Bristol Data Science Network Slack workspace.

Current Ask-JGI students should also be asked to circulate the opportunity to their peers.

The Ask-JGI Manager should reach out directly to the Bristol leads for the following doctoral training centres at the University of Bristol, and ask that they circulate this opportunity amongst their CDT cohorts and also within their faculties to ask other PhD supervisors to make their students aware of this:

Additionally, this opportunity can also be advertised in Bristol Doctoral College newsletter.