Contract and working hours#


Please note the University guidance on working part time during your studies. PhD students contributing to the Ask-JGI team must have the approval of their supervisors, and should agree an upper limit on the number of hours they should be dedicating to Ask-JGI each month.

Most Ask-JGI student contracts are handled by the University of Bristol’s Temporary Staffing Service (TSS). This is the case for candidates who meet the following criteria:

  • Will be based in the UK for the duration of the contract.

  • Do not hold any other employment contracts at the University of Bristol.

Assuming the above criteria are fulfilled, a Casual, Academic and Guest request should be made by the JGI admin team. This must be sent to TSS at least 3 weeks prior to the commencement of Ask-JGI activities.

To claim payment each month, students will need to ensure that their timesheet (a shared Excel spreadsheet) is up to date before the end of each month. A member of the JGI admin team shoul send a reminder in the Microsoft Teams channel with the exact deadline each month. After checking the hours, a JGI admin team member will then submit the total hours using a MyERP timesheet.

There are some cases where the above criteria do not apply (see below subsections).

Student already employed through UoB HR#

In cases where a student is already a staff member at the University, a payment route has already been set up through HR. This means that hours worked on Ask-JGI must be claimed by the student through MyERP using a Staff Fee Claim form.

The student will require a budget code and hourly rate (excluding holiday pay as annual leave benefits are already included as part of their main contract) from the Ask-JGI manager.

Student based remotely, including internationally#


We expect most students to be physically based in Bristol and be available to attend in-person meetings during their time as part of the Ask-JGI team.

In cases where a student is going to be based away from Bristol for part of their contract, they should check this first with the Ask-JGI manager. Where they will be oversea, then a special exception must also be sought through the International Mobility Office. Provided that the International Mobility team are able to approve the circumstances a TSS contract ought to be able to be drawn up for a duration of 6 months (maximum for overseas-based workers).