Core concepts in reproducibility
The results of published research don’t always reproduce.
Make your data and analysis FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable); as apen as possible, and as closed as necessary
Ask for help if you need statistics or software support: research software engineers, your statistics department.
The RStudio integrated development environment
Literate programming with RMarkdown
Version Control in RStudio
Git is like an unlimited undo button that also helps you work with others
GitHub keeps a public copy of your Git repository, with extra functionality
Introduce yourself to git using the git config command.
Make a new branch whenever you want to do a new task
Use git add , then git commit , then git push to copy snapshots that you’re happy with from your local files to the public copy on GitHub
Merge branches back into the master branch when the task is finished
Putting it all together
Open Science Framework (OSF) is a tool for organising and preregistering projects and sharing them on the web
Rstudio, Rmarkdown, Git and Github can be combined to create reproducible data analysis workflow