Claiming payment#
We expect most students will claim via the Temporary Staffing Service (TSS) route. Assume this it is this method unless told explicitly otherwise.
Temporary Staffing Service (TSS) Claims#
To claim for hours worked, Ask-JGI team members will need to ensure that their timesheet is up to date before the end of each month. We will send a reminder in the Microsoft Teams channel with the exact deadline each month. Once checked, the JGI admin team will then submit your total hours to University HR for payment.
Information on this process can be found here.
Staff Fee Claims#
In cases where a student is already a staff member at the University, a payment route has already been set up through HR. This means that hours worked on Ask-JGI must be claimed by the student through MyERP using a Staff Fee Claim form.
Guidance for making payment claims in this way can be found here.